Panel Settings

To improve the appearance and readability of your presentations and publications, you can change the formatting of the panels (or "frames") that contain each of your visuals. These formatting options determine the panel's general look and feel (shadow, title font, and so on) as well as the formatting of its title and subtitle. In Present only, the style also specifies the appearance of the panel tools that are available at runtime.

The following visual types are contained within panels that you can format:

  • Discoveries and legends.
  • Visual areas from Tabulate spreadsheets.
  • Containers for mini tabs or table layouts.
  • In Present only, Slicers.

Impact of Formatting Changes

Changing the Panel Settings changes what the panel or "frame" (rather than the visual it contains) looks like at runtime. The following example shows a Bar Chart visual in a panel with the "Classic" style applied using the Formatting panel's Style drop-down. The style and other formatting options affect the shape, border, and shadow associated with the panel, the Panel Tools shown at runtime (Present only), as well as the position and styling of the title and subtitle.

  • Click here for runtime examples of each possible preset panel style

Formatting Panel

Common options

At the top of the formatting panel are some general settings:

Note: This example shows the Panel Settings for a linked or "shareable" visual. The Content item selector is locked. For more information about linked and unlinked visuals and formatting, see Formatting Panel.

  • Show panel: (Blue arrow above.) Where Panel Settings is selected, this checkbox shows or hides the panels. If this checkbox is cleared, the selected visual or visuals are still shown but they are not contained within a "frame" with a title or subtitle.
  • Content item selector: (Green arrow.) Select the content item whose formatting you want to edit:
    • If the drop-down is locked, this is because the selected visual is "shareable." If the visual is shareable, only the Panel Settings, which are relevant to the presentation, can be edited in this view. If you want to format, say, the Report Title you either need to unlink the visual or open it in its app (typically Discover) and edit its formatting in there. This can be done on the right-click menu.
    • If the drop-down is not locked, this is because the selected visual is a "one-off" that only appears in this presentation. In this case you can select various content items from this drop-down to reset the formatting directly.
  • Reset (Orange arrow.) Reset the formatting back to the default selections.
  • Click here for more information about shareable and one-off visuals

Settings Tab

  • Style: The preset styles that you can apply for your panels. For runtime examples of each type, see Panels in Present Pro. The options are:
    • Classic - The panel has square corners, a shadow, and a dividing line between the title and the visual. The title is shown in the top-left corner. For presentations only, at runtime, the panel tools are shown at the top-right when hovering over the visual.
    • Rounded - The panel has rounded corners and a black outline. The title is shown in the top-left corner. For presentations only, at runtime, the panel tools are shown at the top-right when hovering over the visual.
    • Minimal - The panel has square corners and a shadow. The title is hidden. For presentations only, at runtime, the panel tools are shown as a pop-up above the visual when hovering over it.
    • Tiled - The panel is totally flattened; there is no outline or shadow. The title appears at the top left corner. For presentations only, the panel tools are shown at the top right when hovering over the visual.
  • Show Shadows: Show or hide the shadow underneath your panel.
  • Borders:
    • Show Border: Show or hide the border around your panel.
    • Border Color: Select the color for your borders using the Color Picker.
    • Border Radius: Increase the border radius to make the panel corners curved.
  • Background Color: Select the background color for your panel using the Color Picker.
  • Padding: Set padding for the panel to determine how close the visual elements and title are to the panel edges.

Title Tab

  • Show Title: Show or hide visualization titles.
  • Position: Position the title along the top or bottom of the visual.
  • Title or Type: This option is only available where your changes will apply to one panel. The options are:
    • Visual Area Name (Tabulate) - Use the name for the visual area from Tabulate.
    • Auto (Discover) - Automatically assign a name based on the measures and members within the query.
    • Report Name (Discover) - Use the name for the visual from Discover.
    • Custom - Type a custom title for your visual.
  • Background Color: select a background color for the top title panel using the Color Picker.
  • Line Separator:
    • Show Line Separator: Show or hide the line that separates the title panel from the visual.
    • Line Color: Select a color for the line using the Color Picker.
  • Font: Change the font type, size, emphasis, alignment, and color of the title text.

Subtitle Tab

  • Show Subtitle: Show or hide the visual's subtitle
  • Show subtitle on a separate line: Either show the subtitle beneath the title (select checkbox) or show the subtitle on the same line as the title (clear checkbox).
  • Type: This option is only available where your changes will apply to one panel. The options are:
    • Breadcrumbs - Show the breadcrumb trail as the subtitle.
    • Custom - Specify a custom subtitle.
  • Font: Change the font type, size, emphasis, alignment, and color of the subtitle text.